Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blog #1- Artist Statement

I have a passion for capturing moments, spaces, and things.

I love the entire practice of photography- envisioning and capturing a single moment. I also love the concept of filming and video editing (particularly short films) - the endless possibilities that come with obtaining many parts, altering and combining them, and producing a whole. My aim is often simple; capturing places, objects, and happenings that peak my interest. I am interested in capturing anything I find beautiful, unique, joyful, and ultimately, what I feel is worth remembering. Subject wise, I am fascinated by the concepts of individual perception and perspective of life and the universe, time, history, and nature. These overtones cover my vast interests in capturing everything from outfits and clothing style, to the colorful petals of a flower, to architecture, to various places and the feelings provoked by them.

Inspiration comes easily to me and from an infinite number of sources because of the immense value I place on being mentally and emotionally present for every moment of my life. Seemingly meaningless simple tasks, ventures, and daily interactions and experiences are often a powerful source of creative thought for me. My art is very rarely inspired by other artists or existing works because I believe that every single person sees the world through their own unique perspective. While I can certainly appreciate another artists’ work, I have no interest in emulating someone else's reality.

I want my art above all to be beautiful and to be something I am proud of. I gravitate stylistically toward simplicity, clean lines, and color; and directionally toward thoughtfulness, aesthetic, and memorability. Sometimes I may be trying to express an opinion or message through my art, and sometimes I will simply be engaging in my creative outlet with no purpose in mind. I create art for myself but I hope for it to be enjoyable to those who view it.